Monday, June 8, 2009

Competition and Happiness

Old saying said “Comparisons are odious”!

For an instance you are one of the CEO of a company and you want to compare the performance of previous CEO, you would feel that you would under pressure if you could not achieve the sale revenue of the previous CEO, and do not ignore that the case may not be the same, the economy situation may not be as good as the previous time.

So why do you insist on comparing? Or competing with him?
You can live happily in this competitive world only if you are not competitive.
I am trying to say that as people all over the world are violence, there are wars. Once there is competition, there will be violence as competition is every essence of Violence.

A training started from the time you was a kid, you was a clever boy in the class, you were the best student in the school, you beat all other students in all subject because you are good in making high marks in examination. The Principle loved you a you were the best student, perfect student in the school! But do not forget that you will be spoiled by the teachers and principle. How about all other student, are they not worth anything because they are not as good as you?

Our distorted education system is trying to scripture a perfect student by looking at the marks only.

Our whole social structure is base on competition, and we accept it as inevitable.
When we graduated, got job in a company, especially we involved a big business, say that the more you complete the better work you produce. As we lost order to our competitors, you would be the first one to be blamed by your boss!

We will try to look at it at different perspective looking into the world of competition.

If you your job and do will do far better work in your job, then you will not complete. You will focus your work with passion in order to have more sales order, and more commissions. You will do you job as well as you can and with all your energy because you love what you do.

Some European schools had conducted experiment, they found that if the student do not complete. When they love what he is studying or doing without looking at the marks. He studies better and learns faster.

Competition does not produce intelligence, I does not product knowledge, at best it products sharpness and cunning, so that when the student go out in the world, he could possibly “Put something over” on other people. And they beautifies it so call “ Street Smart”!

To have peace in the world, you yourself must be peaceful, to live happily in the world, and you have to be happy. To live happily in this competitive society you yourself must cease to be competitive.

If you love you work, you will not care who is ahead of you, who is behind of you, who is going to get a big bonus whatsoever more than what you have. You will not care when the boss will give you a raise or promotion.

Instead you would likely felling freely to work with more time and thought of goodwill in your work, you will not try to get order by hurting your colleagues, you will not make dirty trick in order to conclude the order.

You will find yourself having fun in work as you will not have fear in hurting people, you will not have worry that you will lose order because of not using dirty trick, and may not be having a promotion in next review! No, you will not think about it, instead you will find that you are not standing in current of the competition, as you do not see competing at all. You will see that yourselves are the only competition!

However you will understand that intelligence comes only we too are free from fear, not when you are disciplines, fighting and competing with violence.

Let’s ignore the current competition focus and work out result with all your effort, I believe the result can be more fruitful!



Anonymous said...

Hi Fever,



你的分數不及別人,你會失去選擇權, 不能繼續你喜歡和有表現的科目, 你會被迫集中火力於你不感興趣的科目.學校概覽內不是寫著會因材施教, 會發掘學生的潛能嗎? 什麼”愉快學習”又去了那裡呢?

你的成績退步了, 你的操行同時會被降級.見家長時老師明明說孩子很乖,功課亦很妥善.你便會意識到部份老師把成績與操行掛鉤.

人自出生就要面對競爭. 瘋狂的家長總會為自己的孩子比人胖、比人爬得快、比人快學懂背唐詩....而高興!! 人總是喜歡"人比人,比死人".被迫和被動去競爭、去比較又怎會快樂?


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca,

Comparison is odious, however, we can not avoid to have such unbalanced edcuation system carry similar weight for Conduct and Academic achievement. If I were asked to choose, I would recruit a discipline, hard working, honest, deligent candidate rather than some one with just good academic result but bad conduct and discipline.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, you are absolutely right. It is hard to have both good conduct and academic result.
