Monday, September 28, 2009


" 快樂" 其實是一種習慣 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

每天十幾個時,也賺不到什麼錢,真是氣人!」 嗯,顯然這不是個好話題,換個主題好了,我想。

兩天後同一時間,我再一次跳上了計程車, 再一次地要去郊區同一家企業做訓練,然而這一次,卻開啟了迥然不同的經驗。
伴隨的是輕快愉悅的聲音:「你好,請問要去哪?」 真是難得的親切,我心中有些訝異,隨即告訴了他目的地。
於是我問:「看來你今天心情很好嘛!」 他笑得露出了牙齒:「我每天都是這樣啊,每天心情都很好。」
司機先生說:「沒錯,我也有家有小孩要養,所以開車時間也跟著拉長為 12 個小時。不過,日子還是很開心過的,我有個祕密 ……」

他說:「 我總是換個角度來想事情。例如,我覺得出來開車,其實是客人付錢請我出來玩。

我突然意識到自己有多幸運,一早就有這份榮幸,跟前座的EQ高手同車出遊,真是棒極了。 又能坐車,心情又開心,這樣的服務有多難得,我決定跟這位司機先生要電話,以後再邀他一起出遊。接過他名片的同時,他的手機鈴聲正好響起, 有位老客人要去機場,原來喜歡他的不只我一位,相信這位EQ高手的工作態度,不但替他贏得好心情,也必定帶進許多生意。

*** ***快樂其實是一種習慣

Saturday, September 26, 2009

1KG encourages travellers to carry 1kg more of books or stationeries to rural students, poor Poeple in the country. Afterwards, share the information of rural schools or travel experience amongst travelers.

The objetive of the website is to improve the rural education and make a better world when we travel to these places.

Air traveller is actually create CO2, and we should do something by supporting the one who needs this when we travel.

You may sign in and start tourism with some meaningful contribution to the world!

the web site is

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We will meet again

Dame Vera Lynn, DBE (born 20 March 1917) is an English singer whose career flourished during World War II. Nicknamed the "The Forces' Sweetheart", the songs most associated with her are "We'll Meet Again".

The singer who 70 years ago recorded an evocative reminder of home for British soldiers fighting far away on Monday became the oldest living artist to have a No. 1 record in Britain when her album "We'll Meet Again -- The Very Best of Vera Lynn" took the top spot.

This week's British album charts were a veritable trip down memory lane -- the Beatles had 17 records in the top 100, Michael Jackson had five appearances in the top 100.

Lynn first recorded "We'll Meet Again" in September 1939, just as World War II broke out. She wasn't the soldiers' favorite right away, said Terry Charman, a senior historian at London's Imperial War Museum. But as servicemen all over the world heard Lynn on the radio -- and many saw her in person, in far-flung places like Burma and Egypt -- she became the voice that would remind them of home.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

At The Peak of your career

There is too many stories of success, and too many sample of so called successful men been seen as celebrities in from of the publicity.
But how knows how much hard work they have been working and did they best they can make at the top of his peak in his career?

Imagine that you are the Vice President of the world largest consumer product group of business which has a capability of few Billions of dollar profit every year. And you work hard from eight to seven everyday and working at your tiny and crackberry for push mails after office hours! Imagine you had to talk to your beloved that sorry you had to leave for attend a phone conference during your vacation to Phuket or New Zealand?

When we you wife called you to the office asking when you could reach home for dinner, you were seem unable to meet the committed time to reach home afterwards! When you daughter shows you her examination result you could hardly hard to find 30 mins. of time for you to review with her result and give your comment on how she is studying. Sometimes you had hard time to memorize all the birthdays of your wife, mother, daughter and son. Do not mention anniversary of marriage.

On the other hand in front your handful good friends eye can show off our recent purchased Limited edition of Patek Philips Complication watch or a skeleton Platinum Audemars Piguet perpetual calendar driven by a tiny and sophisticated Tourbillion? You had a pair of Rockport loudpskeakd weighed 250Kgf each. That could possibly be driven by a transistorized power amplier that can deliver of RMS 1,500W per channel without sweating?

Well, is that an insignia of success? Is that the ultimate target that you would expect an appreciation from your friends, customer, supplier, friends and people you meet at restaurant and banks? Is that the kind of recognition when you select you car makers type instead of the function of it, is that you care more about where your house is situated more than the house itself as to tell which part of Hong Kong you are from?

No, I do not think so, as you know you should be aware that the God will one day testify you when you are at Top of Peak of your carrier, your successful in digging more fortune from your investment and your job?

A friend of mine is a VP of a world largest business player of consumer communication device. What I know him is that he got the supreme power to mobilize resources from one supplier to another, he is well paid at USD$300K a year, he is a man of knowledge, capability, management skill and charisma. Who knows that one day all theses will be taken away as their European headquarters closed the operations in USA! And at the same time his house was totally demolished by tornado! But I think he should be glad that one thing he was blessed with his family, everyone I the family is untouched in the accident, they can start all over again. Who know one day he can be a CEO of a fortune 500 company, Who knows of he will be the major of the City?

We have to take a brake when we reach the top of peak in your career, try to figure out what if I would be CEO of a Company, then what’s the next target? And what if I reach the new target then, what else I can do to make my fame, money and power to be expanding?

Hold a while a think if that is the target of your life, you should move on in their direction, however, are there some more meaningful things you have not done yet…?

How you seen you daughter grown up and get marriage with her beloved boy friend? Did you feel regret that actually you had made mistake in some of the decision that caused a lot of people loss of their jobs and their families went into trouble for years? Do you think that you should help to create more job opportunity for the society when you are the Powerful CEO of a company? Major of a city or a wealthy celebrity of the society? Did you try to give away some of your possession or asset that could possibly helping other families living much better without any effect to your quality of living? There are still a lot of thing we have not accomplished…

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why we can not make big money in Stock Market

Why do you find gets difficulties in getting rich from the stock market?
If you said that you could and or you are able to , I should say “ congratulations! As far a is known that 95% of the people are losing money in the stock market counting in a period of say 5 years. And only a small amount of people can actually make money through investing in the market.

When Most of the middle class Hong Kong people has some kind of mortgage with more than 30% of his income goes into the bank for his flat he is staying or the sending falt he buys for his second wife… so he had to spend the rest say 30% the money behind for his monthly expenditure.

For an instance an average manager of monthly incoming of HKD$100,000.00, he might use up 30% for his house, 30% for his wife I supporting the family in all kind of bill, children schooling fee, food, clothier and other expenditure. He might have to spend 8-10% on the family incurrence, 5% for himself.

He might have to keep some in bank for saving say 15%, so what the left behind is about to invest or to speculate on the stock market, is just 10% of his income, say HKD$10,00.00 if you are so keen I keep up with the unpredictable stock market.

So if you were good at understanding the rule of the game on some good concept stock say 1211 BYD beginning of the year, at that time it was about HKD$14.00 a shear, you bought HKD10,000 all into this share and now you would have a share value of approx HKD48.00 as it has been pushed up for 480% in 7 month. This is a very exceptional sucessfully case. And if you are unfortunate that buying some dead stock, you may lose money.

If you dare and are able to understand the market so well then some of you may get to roll up you money in many folds, but as I mentioned you basic premium is small, you would not get rich. And on the other hand, who has such kind of energy to keep up with the stock market? Chinese saying, we lose money because we have won it… When you get some appreciate on paper, your greediness would woo you releasing more of your saving into this swelling stock market, who know eventually you will be the one who can make profit on it?

I had better advise not to spend too much time, money in it.. Life can be short and can be meaningful if you can use your time with your beloved wife, daughters or perhaps more time with you friends. Do enjoy life on what you have … there is no one get starved in Hong Kong…. but there are a lot of unhappy people in Hong Kong, probably they really do not know what to do after works!